Welcome to my About Me page. I’m supposed to tell you all sorts of stuff….. You know….. About me. I'm just not sure where to start.
This is what I look like:

and this is my family:
Here are some more things about me:
- I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brigham Young University in 2011. I've been walking around with a camera attached to my hand ever since.
- I can usually be found taking photos. When (for some reason) I'm not doing that I prefer reading, drinking Dr. Pepper, or sleeping. Sometimes I've been known to do all of those things at once.
I'm not drinking Dr. Pepper in this photo because my family won't let me have Dr Pepper by my bed anymore...... Not since the Great Breaker Short-Out of 2012.) |
- I believe that beauty exists every where,
and within everyone. So I use limited Photoshop, and natural lighting.
I’m pretty obsessed with taking photos that don’t require any Photoshop.
Like these:
- I also believe in the incredible
importance of photographs. Photographs are how we capture memories, and
memories are so precious. They teach us who we are and where we came
from, what mistakes have been made in the past and how to keep from
making them again, they help us to remember the fun times we have with
people we may never see again, and they help us to define and find who
we are.
Also, we can make funny faces. Like these!
My name is Lindsi. I love photography. I love making memories last forever, and I would love to help you do the same.
To book a shoot, send me an email via my contact page.