Hey Everyone!
Today I want you to meet a very special person:
This is my Grandpa!
He turned 90 this weekend!
To celebrate this momentous occasion we (his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren) threw him a HUGE birthday bash complete with:
A Lifesaver cake!
To put my grandpa's coolness factor into perspective you need to know that his job before he retired was as a LIFESAVER salesman. He SOLD CANDY FOR A LIVING. And he had a LIFESAVER CAR! |
The cake was made by my super talented cousin-in-law Heather! |
A LOT of good food:
Thank you to these manly men for grilling one of the BEST hamburgers I've ever eaten! |
And MORE thanks to everyone who was responsible for bringing the rest of the food. I wish I knew who you all were so I could thank you by name! |
And of course, a LOT of family members:
All of my Grandma and Grandpa's children, minus Chris. |
G and G and Jill! |
G and G with Michael, the oldest grandchild. |
G and G with Linda and some of her kids. |
G and G and Jenna, the oldest granddaughter. Also my rock awesome sister. |
My Grandpa and ME! |
So, one of my favorite parts of this party was when all the oldest grand kids in every family gave a tribute to my grandpa. I missed the chance by being the second oldest, so I'm going to take this chance to do my own tribute.
You are one of the best men I know. I've never seen you mad, I've never heard you yell in anger. Even though you are 90 you've got more energy than I do. Or really, than anyone I've ever met does.
My favorite story that I have of you happened about 5 or 6 years ago when my old car had broken down and you came to Provo to get it and take it back up to the car lot to get it fixed. When you called me later to tell me that you had made it safely. The conversation you and I had went something like this:
Me: I'm glad you made it safely!
Grandpa: It's a good thing we got it up there, it was really struggling on those hills. I had to push it up some of them.
Me: (realizing that my 85 year old Grandpa had just told me he PUSHED MY BROKEN CAR UP A HILL ON I-15)....... Now I'm really glad you made it safely.
All of the memories I have of you are nice ones. And I can't say that about a lot of the people that I know. I remember:
- You as Santa Claus
- The orange park and underdogs
- Living with you and having Christmas at your house
- Lifesavers and Bonkers!
-Lung cars
- Birthday spankings (and a pinch to grow an inch)
- Your willingness to serve and to teach
I'm so blessed to have you as my grandfather, always willing to teach me things or do anything that you needed us to do. You gave me my first nick name that has stuck with me to this day (cool cookie!), and that I believe will last until the day I die.
Because of you and Grandma, we're all here:
Thank you!
I was also able to get some adorable pictures of the great grand kids that were playing around during the party. I did not get them all, by any means, I know there were way more that I wasn't able to photograph, but in my defense once they realized what I was doing a lot of them started running away from me!